Book review - No Rules Rules

Book cover

Title No rules rules
Subtitle Netflix and the culture of reinovation
Authors Reed Hastings, Erin Meyer

I’ve read this book and I’m very excited about it.

I love how Netflix tries out new things, no one ever tried and how they had success with it.

First, I thought: “How could a company with such principles get so big”. I know now. And I’m very impressed and convinced of the way they handle things. I think if I become CEO of a company or maybe found my own company, I would try to do things like Netflix does.

The book is written alternately from the point of the author from “The culture map” Erin Meyer and the Netflix CEO Reed Hastings . This brings up different perspectives in the book and made it cool to read.

Also, many employees are telling in the book how they find the “Netflix system”. That’s very interesting.

I recommend this Book to all CEO, PM, team manager, etc.

Written on January 14, 2021