System32 Discovery #5 - Malicious software removal tool

Application title Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool
File name MRT.exe
File name stands for Malicious Software Removal Tool
Syntax MRT.exe [/Q\|/quiet] [/?\|/help] [/F] [/F:Y]
Type Application/Console Application
File description Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool
WinSxS package N/A

⚠️ Warning!

Messing around with system32 files without knowing what you’re doing can damage your system! The author doesn’t take any responsibility for damaged systems and installations.



The Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool helps you identifying malicious software and removing them. This software gets updated over Windows update to stay up to date with new software threats.

This tool is no replacement

Type of scans

You can start 3 types of scan:


Quick scan

Scans only areas, where most malicious software is located like system32 or Program Files.

Full scan

Scans all files on the computer.

Customized scan

This scan executes a quick scan, but also a costume folder you can choose.

Commandline arguments

/Q and /quiet

Suppresses the GUI.

/? and /help

Shows help dialog with explanation to the command line arguments.



Only detects and logs malicious software.


Foreces full scan.


Forces full scan and removes the infected files.

Written on March 11, 2022