Overview of all the elements in the Microsoft Loop app

In Microsoft Loop you can add new elements to a page by typing / and then selecting the element you want to add. This post is a list of all the elements you can add to a page. This post will be updated as new elements are added to Microsoft Loop. If you have any questions or suggestions please leave a comment below, contact me on Twitter or write me an email.

Overview of all elements in the Microsoft Loop app


This is the default state you will find yourself in when working in a loop document.

You can format this text when you select it. You can also transform it into a heading.

Toolbar with formatting options

Available formatting options are:

  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underlined
  • Strikethrough

When clicking the “…” button you can find more formatting options like text color or background color.

Expanded toolbar with formatting options and color options

Additionally you can also transform the text into a list.

Expanded toolbar with formatting options and list options

There are four inline elements you can add to your text:

In your text you can add a link by selecting the text you want to add the link to and then pressing Link in the context menu.

You can set a display text and the address of the link.

Adding a link to your text

By copy-pasting a link into your text, Microsoft Loop will automatically transform it into a link preview.

Link preview in Microsoft Loop

If you want to transform a link preview into a link, you can click on the symbol on the left side of the link preview and then select Link Options and then Link.


Mentioning a person in your text

With the @ symbol you can add a person to your text. If the person does not appear as suggestion in the dropdown, you can add them by typing their mail address. If the mentioned user hasn’t access to the loop component or the page Microsoft Loop suggests sharing them the loop component or the page.

Mentioning a person in your text that hasn't access to the Page


Emoji picker in Microsoft Loop

The emoji picker allows you to add an emoji to your text. You can search for an emoji by typing the name of the emoji.


Label picker in Microsoft Loop

A label defines a status of a certain item. You can create label groups and add different options.

Add a new label group in Microsoft Loop

You can add a new label to an existing label group like this:

  1. Add a label of the label group you want to add a new label to.
  2. Click on the label.
  3. Click on + Add option.

Add a new label to an existing label group in Microsoft Loop Step 1

Add a new label to an existing label group in Microsoft Loop Step 2


There are 3 different heading levels available. These 3 heading levels are 3 different sizes:

All 3 different headers


Table in Microsoft Loop

A table exists of named columns and numbered rows. You can add a new row by clicking on the + New button on the bottom of the table. The content of a cell can be formatted like normal text.

You can drag and drop columns and rows to reorder them. Additionally columns can be resized by dragging the right border of the column.

For adding a new column you can click on the + button in the top right corner of the column. You can also add a new column by right clicking on the table and selecting Insert and then selecting either Column to the right or Column to the left.

Illustration of location of plus button to add a new column

By clicking on the arrow down symbol in the column header you can Sort the table by the values in that column in ascending or descending order. You can also select a column type. The column type defines what kind of data you can enter in that column. They are explained in more detail in another blog post. Column type options

There are also three table templates available in the create menu:

  • Task list

This templates is not customizable

Task list table template

  • Voting table

Voting table template

  • Progress tracker

Progress tracker table template


There are three types of list that you can add to a page:


Checklist in Microsoft Loop

This list type consists of items that can be checked or unchecked.

Bulleted list

Bulleted list in Microsoft Loop

This list type consist of items that are marked with a bullet point.

Numbered list

Numbered list in Microsoft Loop

This list type consist of items that are numbered. The numbers always start with 1.


Divider in Microsoft Loop

This element is used to separate different sections of a page.

Loop component

And last but not least you can add a loop component to a page. When you insert a link to a loop component, Microsoft Loop will automatically transform it into the content of the loop component. If you just want to display a link to a loop component, you can add a link to the loop component and then click on the symbol on the left side of the loop component and then select Link Options and then URl.

Transform loop component to link

Written on March 22, 2023